Tuesday, December 17, 2019

When the Bells Toll, Let Freedom Ring - 2382 Words

When the Bells Toll When she approaches the gate, she sees a young military soldier checking the identification badges of the drivers ahead of her. While she patiently waits her turn in line, the song â€Å"Reveille† begins to play across the loud speakers of the military base. Although, this ritual occurs every day around 7:30 a.m. to signal the beginning of the duty day all personnel must come to attention. While she sits in her car, she finds herself admiringly gazing at the red, white and blue flag waving in the wind while her heart pulsates. Upon completion of the song, she drives up to the gate and hands the security guard her identification badge. When she drives away to embark on her daily journey, both her and the security guard†¦show more content†¦recognition and opportunities) affected job satisfaction (XXX). Extrinsic or Intrinsic Motivation Over the years, motivation has been defined by many people, in many different ways. Hence, what is motivation? According to McShane Glinow, motivation is defined as â€Å"the forces within a person that effect the direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior† (McShane Glinow, 2011). The author’s further explained, â€Å"motivated employees will exert a certain level of effort (intensity), for a certain amount of time (persistence), to obtain a particular goal (direction)† or in other words, employees are essentially â€Å"goal-directed† (McShane Glinow, 2011). Although goals play an important part of employee motivation in the workplace it doesn’t necessarily mean that their only goals are professional in nature. Employees can also be motivated to achieve personal goals within themselves, which could include receiving an educational degree or obtaining additional knowledge, skills and abilities for self-improvement. On the ot her hand, Frederick Herzberg claimed in his two-factor theory (motivation-hygiene) that 81% of the contributing factors for job satisfaction are intrinsic factors and are related to motivation. These factors include achievement, recognition for achievement, the work itself, responsibility and growth orShow MoreRelatedSigns, Symbols and Signals of the Underground Railroad Essay3216 Words   |  13 PagesWithout a map and no real knowledge of the surrounding area, your mind races before you and behind you all at once. Was that the barking of the slavecatchers’ dogs behind you or just the pounding rain and thunder? Does each step bring you closer to freedom or failure? The Underground Railroad was an escape network of small, independent groups of individuals bound together by the common belief that enslaving a human being was immoral. 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